
it depends how much You know about CGI in general. If you already know the basics about HTML-programming and the principles of CGI just have a look in the very detailed documentation of the Perl CGI module (http://search.cpan.org/~lds/CGI.pm-3.49/lib/CGI.pm). If HTML and CGI are new for You have a look into the good tutorials at the "Web developers Virtual Library" (with the disadvantage of a lot of advertisements) (http://www.wdvl.com/Authoring/CGI/) or e.g. at the tutorials at w3schools (http://www.w3schools.com/).

Hope that helps



Am 21.09.2010 15:20, schrieb Tiberiy Virtgaym:
Dear All,

Where do i begin to learn Perl CGI?

Thank you.

Tiberiy Virtgaym
Operational Excellence, LS2 Support
Deutsche Bank
2 Harbor Side  NJ  Jersey City  07311

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