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Today's Topics:

   1.  How to structure your Haskell installation? (frode k)
   2. Re:  small expression evaluator (Henk-Jan van Tuyl)
   3. Re:  How to structure your Haskell installation? (Daniel Fischer)
   4. Re:  Recursion in monad (Chadda? Fouch?)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 13:31:44 +0100
From: frode k <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] How to structure your Haskell
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I'm installing the Haskell Platform om my Linux box and need some tips on
how to structure the files on the OS. I need to install and use both GHC
6.12.3 and GHC 7.0.2. Hence I want to separate these installations. I've
setup two directories, one for each platform (related to the GHC):

# ls -d -1 $PWD/*.*

I've installed GHC-6.12.3 in "2010.2.0.0" and will install GHC-7.0.2 in

My question is more related to where I should install the packages. When I
install a package using "runhaskell Setup ..." I assumed this to ONLY be
installed for the version of GHC I'm using when installing it. Am I right
about this?

Having $PATH pointing to GHC-6.12.3 I've done this when installing packages,
to add them to "2010.2.0.0":
- - - - - - -
cd /usr/src
tar xzf transformers-
cd transformers-
runhaskell Setup configure --prefix=/usr/haskell/2010.2.0.0/
runhaskell Setup build
runhaskell Setup install
- - - - - - -

Later when I switch to GHC-7.0.2 I plan to install the packages into the
"2011.2.0.0" directory in stead.

Is this a good way to structure several Haskell installations on the same
system? Is there a "best practice" on how to structure the files? I want to
get this right from the start, to avoid having to go back and re-arrange

Frode K

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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 13:43:51 +0100
From: "Henk-Jan van Tuyl" <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] small expression evaluator
To: "Haskell Beginners List" <>, "Petr Novotnik"
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-15; format=flowed;

On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 10:14:57 +0100, Henk-Jan van Tuyl <>  

> On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 08:56:45 +0100, Petr Novotnik  
> <> wrote:
>> data Person = Person {
>>        personName :: String
>>      , personAge :: Int
>>      }
>>      deriving (Show)
>> exampleExpr :: Bool
>> exampleExpr = (VConst 99) .==. (VFunc personAge) $ Person "pete" 99
>> I was wondering, whether it'd be possible to enable defining expression  
>> without the Value data constructors, i.e.
>>     99 .==. personAge $ Person "pete" 99
> You can write:
>    99 == personAge (Person "pete" 99)

Or you could write:
   c .==. f = \x -> c == f x

   test = 99 .==. personAge $ Person "pete" 99

The .==. operator is not symmetrical in this case, of course

Henk-Jan van Tuyl



Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 14:05:57 +0100
From: Daniel Fischer <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] How to structure your Haskell
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="utf-8"

On Tuesday 22 March 2011 13:31:44, frode k wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm installing the Haskell Platform om my Linux box and need some tips
> on how to structure the files on the OS. I need to install and use both
> GHC 6.12.3 and GHC 7.0.2. Hence I want to separate these installations.
> I've setup two directories, one for each platform (related to the GHC):
> # ls -d -1 $PWD/*.*
> /usr/haskell/2010.2.0.0
> /usr/haskell/2011.2.0.0
> I've installed GHC-6.12.3 in "2010.2.0.0" and will install GHC-7.0.2 in
> "2011.2.0.0".
> My question is more related to where I should install the packages. When
> I install a package using "runhaskell Setup ..." I assumed this to ONLY
> be installed for the version of GHC I'm using when installing it. Am I
> right about this?

Yes. A package can only be installed for the compiler it was compiled with, 
so to install it for multiple compilers you have to compile it repeatedly.

> Having $PATH pointing to GHC-6.12.3 I've done this when installing
> packages, to add them to "2010.2.0.0":
> - - - - - - -
> cd /usr/src
> wget
> rmers- tar xzf transformers-
> cd transformers-
> runhaskell Setup configure --prefix=/usr/haskell/2010.2.0.0/
> runhaskell Setup build
> runhaskell Setup install
> - - - - - - -

Install cabal-install, then

$ cabal install --with-compiler=/path/to/desired/ghc wanted-package

takes care of it automatically (after tweaking the settings in cabal's 
config file). And it gets necessary Haskell dependencies automatically and 
installs them, too.

> Later when I switch to GHC-7.0.2 I plan to install the packages into the
> "2011.2.0.0" directory in stead.
> Is this a good way to structure several Haskell installations on the
> same system? Is there a "best practice" on how to structure the files?

Don't know. I have everything under $HOME and let GHC and cabal figure out 
how to organise packages. Works for me?.

> I want to get this right from the start, to avoid having to go back and
> re-arrange everything.
> Regards,
> Frode K
> [k]


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 21:44:20 +0100
From: Chadda? Fouch? <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Recursion in monad
To: Adrian May <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 5:46 AM, Adrian May
<> wrote:
> OK I did this:
> import System.Random
> walk :: Int -> IO Int
> walk i = randomRIO (0,1) >>= \r -> return (i+r*2-1)
> say :: Int -> IO ()
> say i = putStrLn $ show i
> rep :: Int -> a -> (a -> IO a) -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
> rep n i w s
> ????? | n<=0 = return ()
> ????? | otherwise = s i >> w i >>= \ii -> rep (n-1) ii w s
> main :: IO ()
> main = rep 10 50 walk say
> Is that the easiest way?

I don't know about "easiest", it's not bad though there are thing that
can be improved

> say i = putStrLn $ show i

This already exist and is called "print" (though its type is more
general than your signature).

> walk i = randomRIO (0,1) >>= \r -> return (i+r*2-1)

The >>= ... return is pretty ugly, it would rather be written as :

> walk i = fmap (\r -> i + r * 2 - 1) $ randomRIO (0,1)

> rep n i w s

Passing say and walk as parameter seems a bit overkill, I seriously
doubt that you'll ever need this exact structure again, and even then
passing a single action should be enough :

> rep n act i
>   | n <= 0 = return ()
>   | otherwise = act i >>= \x -> rep (n-1) act x

rep may also be written with standard monad operations :
> rep n act i = foldM (\x _  -> act x) i $ replicate (n-1) ()

Lastly it may be that the structure of the program itself,
particularly the use of randomRIO is suboptimal and a bit ugly, for a
throwaway program I would probably just use randomRs :

> main = do
>   g <- newStdGen
>   mapM_ print . tail . scanl (\i r -> i+r*2-1) 50 . take 10 $ randomRs (0,1) g

but for a more complex endeavour I would rather use a serious library
like mwc-random. (System.Random performances are awful)



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End of Beginners Digest, Vol 33, Issue 31

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