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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  about parser question < Programming in haskell _ chapter
      8 > (Haisheng Wu)
   2. Re:  Impossible lib definition? (Christian Maeder)
   3.  Error in converting the function from let in     clause to where
      (mukesh tiwari)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 19:17:36 +0800
From: Haisheng Wu <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] about parser question < Programming
        in haskell _ chapter 8 >
To: anyzhen <>
Cc: Beginners <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I think you can check full source code at its web site to see what you

My thought: did you make Parser as a instance of Monad?


On Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 5:20 PM, anyzhen <> wrote:

> well,i am reading the book :<*Programming in haskell *>
> *chapter 8* *functional parsers *
> this chapter try teaching an parser technology,but i have some problem
> about *do* keyword
> --some  brief info of types :
> type Parser a = String -> [(a,String)]
> item :: Parser Char                           --item "abc"  = [('a',"bc")]
> return' :: a -> Parser a                     --return' 'a' "foo" =
> [('a',"foo")]
> --below code complier notice... sorry format
> p2 :: Parser (Char,Char)
> p2 = do x <- item
>             item
>             y <- item
>             return' (x,y)
> *"No instance for (Monad ((-)) String))
>                      *
> *    arising from a execute statement       **            **            **
>           **            **      *
> * Possible fix : add an instance declaration for **(Monad ((-)) String))**
>          *
> *In a stmt of a 'do' expression : y <- item**            **            **
>           **         **        *
> *In the expression:**            **            **            **
>   **            **            **            **    *
> *  do {** x <- item;**            **            **            **
>   **            **            **            **       *
> *          item;**            **            **            **            **
>           **            ** **            **           **   *
> *          y <- item;**            **            **            **
>   **            **            **            **       *
> *          return' (x,y)}**            **            **            **
>       **            **            **            *
> * In an equation for 'p2':**            **            **            **
>         **    **            **        **       *
> *        p2 **            **            **            **            **
>         **            **            **            **        *
> *           = do { ** x <- item;**            **            **
> **            **            **            **      *
> *                       item;**            **            **            **
>           **            **            **            **   *
> *                       y <- item;**            **            **
>   **            **            **            **       *
> *                       ....**}"**            **            **
> **            **            **            **            **  *
> *
> *
> *thanks for any help *
> *jiangzhen <>*
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 15:55:55 +0200
From: Christian Maeder <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Impossible lib definition?
To: Obscaenvs 74 <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Am 18.07.2011 10:27, schrieb Obscaenvs 74:
>  From the source of the package Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP, available
> at 
> :
> many :: ReadP a ->  ReadP [a]
> -- ^ Parses zero or more occurrences of the given parser.
> many p = return [] +++ many1 p
> many1 :: ReadP a ->  ReadP [a]
> -- ^ Parses one or more occurrences of the given parser.
> many1 p = liftM2 (:) p (many p)
> So  `many` is defined in terms of `many1` and vice versa - completely
> understandable, but here the argument (`p`) does not change. This is
> above me right now. Anyone care to explain? I'd be grateful. Not that
> I have to understand it, but it keeps pestering me during my lonely
> hours.

"p" is a common (non-changing) argument for parsing exactly one occurrence.

The termination is controlled by the choice operator +++ or the length 
of the input string, provided the argument "p" does consume at least one 
character from the input.

HTH Christian

> /Fredrik


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 20:51:07 +0530
From: mukesh tiwari <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] Error in converting the function from let
        in      clause to where
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello all
This is my first post on Haskell-beginner  so i am not completely aware of
protocols here  . Pardon me for my ignorance . I am trying to implement
elliptic curve prime factorisation and initially wrote
function "addPoints" using let in clause. It works fine. When i  converted
the "addPoint" using where clause then its not working and not adding the
points correctly . I run both functions from ghci and
for same point " addPoints ( Conelliptic 1222 34 5678 ) ( Conpoint 123 42567
) ( Conpoint 1234 4322222222222222) " addPoints function using where clause
return Right 2 while let in clause return Left (Conpoint 4840 4122) . Could
some one please help me to find out the bug . In case of indentation problem
, source code on .

Mukesh Tiwari

--y^2= x^3+ax+b mod n
import Random
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Data.Bits

data Elliptic = Conelliptic Integer Integer Integer deriving ( Eq , Show )
data Point = Conpoint Integer Integer | Identity deriving ( Eq , Show )

powM :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
powM a d n
 | d == 0 = 1
 | d == 1 = mod a n
 | otherwise = mod q n  where
       p = powM  ( mod ( a^2 ) n ) ( shiftR d 1 ) n
       q = if (.&.) d 1 == 1 then mod ( a * p ) n else p

calSd :: Integer -> IO ( Integer , Integer )
calSd n = return ( s , d ) where
        s = until ( \x -> testBit ( n - 1) ( fromIntegral x ) )  ( +1 ) 0
                d = div ( n - 1 ) (  shiftL 1 ( fromIntegral s )  )

isProbable::Integer->IO Bool
isProbable n
   | n <= 1 = return False
   | n == 2 = return True
   | even n = return False
   | otherwise    = calSd n >>= (\( s , d ) -> rabinMiller 0 n s d )

rabinMiller::Integer->Integer->Integer->Integer->IO Bool
rabinMiller cnt n s d
   | cnt>=5= return True
   | otherwise = randomRIO ( 2 , n - 2 ) >>=
                     (\a -> case powM a d n == 1 of
                  True  -> rabinMiller ( cnt + 1 ) n s d
                  _   -> if any ( == pred n ) . take ( fromIntegral s ) .
iterate (\e -> mod ( e^2 ) n ) $ powM a d n  then rabinMiller ( cnt + 1) n s
                     else return False )

--add points of elliptic curve
addPoints :: Elliptic -> Point -> Point -> Either Point Integer
addPoints _ Identity p_2 = Left p_2
addPoints _ p_1 Identity = Left p_1
addPoints ( Conelliptic a b n ) ( Conpoint x_p y_p ) ( Conpoint x_q y_q )
        | x_p /= x_q =  case ( ( Conpoint x_r y_r ) , d ) of
                              ( _ , 1 ) -> Left ( Conpoint x_r y_r )
                              ( _ , d' ) -> Right d'
                                    [ u , v , d ] = extended_gcd ( x_p - x_q
) n
                                    s = mod ( ( y_p - y_q ) * u ) n
                                    x_r = mod ( s*s - x_p - x_q ) n
                                    y_r = mod ( -y_p - s * ( x_r - x_p ) ) n

        | otherwise =   if mod ( y_p + y_q ) n == 0 then Left Identity
                         else case ( ( Conpoint x_r y_r ) , d ) of
                                    ( _ , 1 ) -> Left ( Conpoint x_r y_r )
                                    ( _ , d' ) -> Right d'
                                    [ u , v , d ] = extended_gcd ( 2 * y_p )
                                    s = mod ( ( 3 * x_p * x_p + a ) * u ) n
                                    x_r = mod ( s * s - 2 * x_p ) n
                                    y_r = mod ( -y_p - s * ( x_r - x_p ) ) n


--add points of elliptic curve
addPoints::Elliptic->Point->Point-> Either Point Integer
addPoints _ Identity p_2 = Left p_2
addPoints _ p_1 Identity = Left p_1
addPoints ( Conelliptic a b n ) ( Conpoint x_p y_p ) ( Conpoint x_q y_q )
    | x_p /= x_q = let
               [ u , v , d ] = extended_gcd (x_p-x_q) n
               s = mod  ( ( y_p - y_q ) * u ) n
               x_r = mod ( s * s - x_p - x_q ) n
               y_r= mod ( -y_p - s * ( x_r - x_p ) ) n
             in case ( ( Conpoint x_r y_r ) , d ) of
              ( _ , 1 ) -> Left ( Conpoint x_r y_r )
              ( _ , d' ) -> Right d'
    | otherwise = if mod ( y_p + y_q ) n == 0 then Left Identity
             else  let
                  [ u , v , d ] = extended_gcd ( 2*y_p ) n
                  s = mod  ( ( 3 * x_p * x_p + a ) * u ) n
                  x_r = mod ( s * s - 2 * x_p ) n
                  y_r = mod ( -y_p - s * ( x_r - x_p ) ) n
               in case ( ( Conpoint x_r y_r ) , d ) of
                                ( _ , 1 )-> Left (Conpoint x_r y_r)
                                ( _ , d' ) -> Right d'

extended_gcd u v= helpGcd u v 0 [ [ 1 , 0 ] , [ 0 , 1 ] ] where
    helpGcd u v n m @ ( [ [ a , b ] , [ c , d ] ] )
      | v == 0 = if u<0 then [ - ( ( -1 ) ^ n ) * ( m !! 1 !! 1 ) , - ( ( -1
) ^ ( n + 1 ) ) * ( m !! 0 !! 1 ) , -u ]
                     else [ ( ( -1 ) ^ n ) * ( m !! 1 !! 1 ) , ( ( -1 ) ^ (
n + 1 ) ) * ( m !! 0 !! 1 ) , u ]
      | otherwise = helpGcd u' v' ( n + 1 ) m' where
        ( q , v' ) = quotRem u v
        t = [ [q , 1 ] , [ 1 , 0 ] ]
        m' = [ [ q * a + b , a ] , [ q * c + d , c ] ] --mult m t
        u' = v

multiEC :: Elliptic -> Point -> Integer -> IO ( Either Point Integer )
multiEC _ _ 0 = return $ Left Identity
multiEC ecurve point k | k>0 = return $ helpEC Identity point k
      helpEC p _ 0 = Left p
      helpEC p q n =
             case (p',q') of
          ( Left p'' , Left q'' ) -> helpEC p'' q'' (div n 2)
          ( Right p'' , _ ) -> Right p''
          ( _ , Right q'' ) -> Right q''
           p' =if odd n then addPoints ecurve p q else Left p
               q' =  addPoints ecurve q q

dscrmntEC a b = 4 * a * a * a + 27 * b * b

randomCurve :: Integer -> IO [Integer]
randomCurve n = randomRIO ( 1 , n ) >>= ( \a -> randomRIO ( 1 , n ) >>= ( \u
-> randomRIO (1 , n) >>= (\v -> return [a , mod ( v*v - u*u*u - a*u ) n , n
, u , v ] ) ) )

factor :: Integer -> Integer -> IO [Integer]
factor 1 _   = return []
factor n m   =
    isProbable n >>= (\x -> if x then  return [n]
                   randomCurve n >>= (\[ a , b , n , u , v ] ->
                                  multiEC ( Conelliptic a b n ) ( Conpoint u
v ) m >>=
                                   ( \p -> case p of
                                              Left p' -> factor n m
                                              Right p'->  factor ( div n p'
) m  >>= ( \x -> factor p' m  >>= (\y  -> return $ x ++ y   ) ) ) ) )

solve :: Integer -> IO [ Integer ]
solve n = factor n ( foldl lcm 1 [1..10000] )

main = liftM read getLine >>=( \n -> solve n  ) >>= print
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