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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Installing regex-pcre (revisited) (Stephen Tetley)
   2. Re:  Averaging a string of numbers (Brent Yorgey)
   3. Re:  Pattern matching over functions (Graham Gill)
   4.  let in GHCI (Henry Lockyer)
   5. Re:  Pattern matching over functions (Daniel Fischer)
   6. Re:  Pattern matching over functions (Felipe Almeida Lessa)
   7. Re:  let in GHCI (David McBride)
   8. Re:  let in GHCI (Daniel Fischer)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 12:11:51 +0000
From: Stephen Tetley <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Installing regex-pcre (revisited)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 11 December 2011 08:41, Asokan Pichai <> wrote:

> The OP's question is for a Unix-like environment on Windows; which
> is Cygwin.

Indeed (and also MSYS), but the OP wants especially to work with PCRE
and the Haskell bindings to it are unlikely to work directly with
Cygwin, but they should with MinGW / MSYS.

>> The reason for this is basically that everyone else does. Linking
>> static libraries is a bit different internally to Cygwin and it does
>> not seem to "just work" whereas it usually does on MinGW provided you
>> have the C library already working.
> I do not understand this part.

Yes - it wasn't at all clear.

FFI bindings (in Haskell) link to C static libraries - *.a files on
Cygwin or MSYS (plus headers are needed during compilation).

There are differences between Cygwin and MSYS *.a files, I know little
about what the differences are but I know that the consequence is
linking to Cygwin libs doesn't work seemlessly with GHC[*]. Maybe it
wouldn't be much work to get GHC working with Cygwin libs but no-one
appears to have done it and documented their success, hence "everyone"
uses MSYS where things are already working.

[*] GHC actually ships with build tools from MinGW / MSYS, but once
you start working with FFI bindings you really want a proper
installation of MSYS.


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 10:19:05 -0500
From: Brent Yorgey <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Averaging a string of numbers
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 07:21:58PM -0800, wrote:
> Hi beginners list,
> I want to take a string of numbers and return the average. It is a
> string because I expect the input to be from STDIN or a file. I would
> like it to handle infinite lists. Further, I create the Stats data
> structure because later I will add support for other statistics, like
> max, min, sum, prod, etc. The following code works, but I'm not sure
> it's the proper way to do things in Haskell. For instance, maybe I
> could use a fold method instead of the explicit recursion in
> getStats?

You could indeed implement getStats with a fold, but we can even do
one better.

> -- avg.hs
> -- sm is sum, len is number of elements
> data Stats = Stats { sm :: Double, len :: Int } deriving Show

Let's add a Monoid instance for Stats, which specifies how two Stats
objects should be combined:

  instance Monoid Stats where
    mempty = Stats 0 0
    mappend (Stats sm1 len1) (Stats sm2 len2) = Stats (sm1 + sm2) (len1 + len2)

We also specify how to create a default Stats object:

  mkStats x = Stats x 1

Now getStats is simply:

  getStats :: [Double] -> Stats
  getStats = mconcat . map mkStats

That is, create a default Stats object from each list element, then
combine/summarize them all using the Monoid instance.

Other than that your code looks good to me.



Message: 3
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:07:06 -0500
From: Graham Gill <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Pattern matching over functions
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 10-Dec-2011 11:17 AM, Ken KAWAMOTO wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Brent Yorgey<>  wrote:
>> On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 06:10:01PM +0100, Giacomo Tesio wrote:
>>> I would find already very useful a compiler that is able to understand id f
>>> = f, that (\x ->  3 + x) == (\y = 3 + y) == (+3) even if it isn't able to
>>> see that (+3) == (\x ->  2 + 1 + x).
>> But then we would lose referential transparency.
> As I understand, this would be against lazy evaluation since it would
> request to evaluate expressions in lambda, but I don't see how this
> relates to referential transparency.
> Can you elaborate this a little bit?

I second the question. From what I understand referential transparency 
means that an expression can be replaced by its value with no change to 
program semantics, or equivalently that a function always produces the 
same result/behaviour given the same input. How does determining whether 
two (pure) functions are equivalent break referential transparency?


> Thanks,
> Ken
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 18:14:56 +0000
From: Henry Lockyer <>
Subject: [Haskell-beginners] let in GHCI
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hello Haskellers

Why is it that in GHCI I can do, for example,

> replicate 6 5
> let my6 = replicate 6
> my6 5

but if I do 

> sort "bav"

this is ok, but 

> let mySort = sort
> mySort "bav"

    Couldn't match expected type `()' with actual type `Char'
    Expected type: [()]
      Actual type: [Char]
    In the first argument of `mySort', namely `"bav"'
    In the expression: mySort "bav"


> mySort [6,5,9]

    No instance for (Num ())
      arising from the literal `9'
    Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num ())
    In the expression: 9
    In the first argument of `mySort', namely `[6, 5, 9]'
    In the expression: mySort [6, 5, 9]

This is eluding me at the moment..!  ;-)

/ Henry


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 19:24:45 +0100
From: Daniel Fischer <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Pattern matching over functions
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Sunday 11 December 2011, 19:07:06, Graham Gill wrote:
> On 10-Dec-2011 11:17 AM, Ken KAWAMOTO wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 3:14 PM, Brent Yorgey<>  
> >> On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 06:10:01PM +0100, Giacomo Tesio wrote:
> >>> I would find already very useful a compiler that is able to
> >>> understand id f = f, that (\x ->  3 + x) == (\y = 3 + y) == (+3)
> >>> even if it isn't able to see that (+3) == (\x ->  2 + 1 + x).
> >> 
> >> But then we would lose referential transparency.
> > 
> > As I understand, this would be against lazy evaluation since it would
> > request to evaluate expressions in lambda, but I don't see how this
> > relates to referential transparency.
> > Can you elaborate this a little bit?
> I second the question. From what I understand referential transparency
> means that an expression can be replaced by its value with no change to
> program semantics, or equivalently that a function always produces the
> same result/behaviour given the same input. How does determining whether
> two (pure) functions are equivalent break referential transparency?

I think if it were possible to find out whether two functions are the same 
for *every* pair of two functions, it wouldn't violate referential 

But it's not possible, so all you have is that for some pairs of functions 
equality can be proved, for some pairs it can be disproved and for some 
pairs, it cannot be decided.


foo f g = if canProveEqual f g then "Yay :)" else "Nay :("

wouldn't be referentially transparent,

foo (+3) (\x -> x+3) = "Yay :)"
foo (+3) somethingWhichIsTheSameButCan'tBeProvedToBe = "Nay :("


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 16:26:16 -0200
From: Felipe Almeida Lessa <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] Pattern matching over functions
To: Graham Gill <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Graham Gill <> wrote:
> I second the question. From what I understand referential transparency means
> that an expression can be replaced by its value with no change to program
> semantics, or equivalently that a function always produces the same
> result/behaviour given the same input. How does determining whether two
> (pure) functions are equivalent break referential transparency?

It doesn't.  Whoever it also isn't guaranteed to terminate.

What *does* break referential transparency is a function equality that
works sometimes, but not other.




Message: 7
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 13:36:27 -0500
From: David McBride <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] let in GHCI
To: Henry Lockyer <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I don't understand it perse, but I've run into it often enough to say
that the problem is the monomorphism restriction.  When you say let
mySort = sort, instead of having the type

mySort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

which is what you'd expect, instead there is some bizarre rule in the
haskell spec that says it has to choose () for a in this case so if
you look at the type after you define it in ghci, you'll see the type
is actually

mySort :: [()] -> [()]

which is completely useless for anything.  If you go :set
-XNoMonomorphismRestriction in ghci, you'll get the correct type and
it will work the way you intend.  There is apparently some obscure
case where this is desirable and that is the only reason it has not
been removed by default.

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 1:14 PM, Henry Lockyer
<> wrote:
> Hello Haskellers
> Why is it that in GHCI I can do, for example,
>> replicate 6 5
> [5,5,5,5,5,5]
>> let my6 = replicate 6
>> my6 5
> [5,5,5,5,5,5]
> but if I do
>> sort "bav"
> "abv"
> this is ok, but
>> let mySort = sort
>> mySort "bav"
> <interactive>:1:8:
> ? ?Couldn't match expected type `()' with actual type `Char'
> ? ?Expected type: [()]
> ? ? ?Actual type: [Char]
> ? ?In the first argument of `mySort', namely `"bav"'
> ? ?In the expression: mySort "bav"
> and/or
>> mySort [6,5,9]
> <interactive>:1:13:
> ? ?No instance for (Num ())
> ? ? ?arising from the literal `9'
> ? ?Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num ())
> ? ?In the expression: 9
> ? ?In the first argument of `mySort', namely `[6, 5, 9]'
> ? ?In the expression: mySort [6, 5, 9]
> This is eluding me at the moment..! ?;-)
> / Henry
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2011 19:54:37 +0100
From: Daniel Fischer <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-beginners] let in GHCI
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: Text/Plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Sunday 11 December 2011, 19:14:56, Henry Lockyer wrote:
> Hello Haskellers
> Why is it that in GHCI I can do, for example,
> > let my6 = replicate 6
> > my6 5
> [5,5,5,5,5,5]
> but if I do
> > sort "bav"
> "abv"
> this is ok, but
> > let mySort = sort

It's the monomorphism restriction.
If a value is bound by a simple pattern binding (let val = whatever) 
without a type signature, and if the inferred type is constrained by some 
class requirements, the value gets a monomorphic type, any constrained type 
variables are resolved according to the defaulting rules in

The first example has no constrained type variables,

replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]


my6 :: a -> [a]

is parametric, it works the same for all types. Therefore it remains 


sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]

has a constrained type variable, so a value bound like

let mySort = sort

gets a monomorphic type, the constrained type variable a is replaced with a 
fixed type according to defaulting rules.

Since the defaulting rules in the linked section require one of the 
constraining classes to be a numeric class, that binding should be a static 
error by these rules.

However, strict adherence to the defaulting rules would produce a *lot* of 
type errors at the ghci prompt, so ghci has extended defaulting rules, 
resolving more cases, for example, Show, Eq and Ord constraints (with no 
numeric constraint around) are satisfied by instantiating the constrained 
type variable with ().

Thus the binding

> let mySort = sort

at the ghci prompt results in

> :t mySort
mySort :: [()] -> [()]

You get the inferred (most general) type if you

1) bind the value with a function binding (one with at least one argument 
before the =),

> let mySort xs = sort xs

2) give a polymorphic type signature

> let mySort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]; mySort = sort

3) disable the monomorphism restriction

> :set -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
> let mySort = sort

It's often a good idea to disable the monomorphism restriction at the ghci 
prompt by default, so you might consider doing that in your .ghci file.

If the monomorphism restriction so often leads to surprising and confusing 
results, why does it exist at all?

Because without it, there'd be another surprising and unpleasant result.
If you have something that looks like a constant,

name = value

you'd likely expect it to be evaluated only once. But if name got a 
polymorphic type, it would have to be re-evaluated for every use.
To avoid the unpleasant surprise of bad performance due to re-evaluation, 
we have the monomorphism restriction.

If you give it a polymorphic signature ore bind it via a function binding, 
it's obvious that the value isn't shared and has to be recalculated.

Is that a sufficiently good reason to have the MR?
Opinions differ.


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End of Beginners Digest, Vol 42, Issue 13

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