On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 14:43:46 +0200, Michael Kohout wrote:

When I get home(and if the weather isn't too nice) I play with Squeak.
 But when I go to work, I write Java(like a lot of people on this
list, I'd imagine).


One of the things that prevents me from even considering it at work is
the lack of Oracle driver support.  Of course, I could write that
support myself using named primitives(and I've tried), but the
documentation on how to use all the modern Slang features and tie the
whole thing into XCode is much too sparse.

When this changes I might be able to use squeak for more than just amusement.

Michael, have you seen the SQLite3 package on SqueakMap. It is more than easy to interface an external library from Squeak, no Slang, no C-compiler needed (if you don't depend on callbacks). The SQLite3 Squeak code is authored for calling into an external library on Mac OS X but it's a matter of minutes to change that to MS$ windoze or linux (I know that you're using Squeak on OS X...)

Hope that it's a rainy day at your site ;-)


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