There are a lot of tools in Squeak, that are not very intutiv and userfriendly designed, a lot of the system itself is difficult to use if you are not used to it. Hopefully we can redesign this tools any day, maybe next year ;) We will see...


itsme213 schrieb:
Thank you so much for this write-up, Ron!

I've used Monticello a few times just to get other people's published packages, yet everytime I need to get into it I get a bit of a sinking feeling :-( I really like what the tool does under the covers, but don't find the UI intuitive (for an irregular user like me) and have to stop and re-think what I learned each time.

May I suggest this go on ? Hope the UI in a future version can be made a bit less intimidating to newbie users.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ron Teitelbaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Aleksej'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questionsaboutSqueak.'" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 11:52 AM
Subject: RE: [Newbies] Monticello -- where is it?

Hello Aleksej,

I think it is a very good question. I would encourage all newbies to start with Monticello and learn about how to organize their work before starting
of to change the world.

There are a few things to understand about Monticello first.  The most
important thing about Monticello is that it is a code version manager. It's job is to store versions, retrieve the latest version, find conflicts (when
two programmers change the same source), and to show history and code
branches.  What it does not do is organize your code, solve conflicts
(thought it does provide tools for you to do it), save your code for you
(don't laugh ENVY does!), or replace proper workflow.

There are different types of repositories. For this discussion let's just talk about package-cache and http. Package-cache is created for you and is updated when you load new packages, (like from squeakmap), or automatically when you save Monticello packages. It is file based and you can find it in
your squeak directory on your computer.  Http repositories are like . It is a shared area where you can define projects,
store your code, share it with others if you want and post to squeakmap.


On the world menu select open.. > Monticello browser. This opens up the Monticello browser. What you will see is packages that are already added to your browser. There are many packages added by default. For each package
on the left you will see repositories on the right.  Packages can be in
multiple repositories.  If you think of code branches this makes sense.

To add a package from an Http repository you should unclick the package on
the left, then press the +Repository button.  Now select the Http type
repository.  This brings up a string that looks like this:

location: ''
user: 'squeak'
password: 'squeak'

you should replace the with the repository you are interested
in.  For example

location: ''
user: ''
password: ''

if you have a user name and password on squeaksource then you can add them
to the string.

After accepting your new repository definition you can hit the open button.
This will show you packages that live inside the repository.  In the
repository browser you will see packages on the left and version on the
right. You can select one of the package versions and browse it, or view a history, or see changes, or load it, and other things too but that's a good
starting point.

When you are make a change to a package, back on the regular Monticello
browser you will see an asterisk (*) before the package name. If you want to update the repository with your new version, you need to save it. Select
the package and the repository you want to save too and press save.  You
should always type in some notes as to what change you made then accept it.

There is more, like working in a clean image, upgrading images, using
Monticello configurations, running your own squeaksource image, version
numbering, or how to handle conflicts. There is good documentation about these things available on-line but we could talk about those if anyone is

Hope that helps,

Happy coding

Ron Teitelbaum
President / Principal Software Engineer
US Medical Record Specialists

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:beginners-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Aleksej
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: [Newbies] Monticello -- where is it?


May be a silly question.
The are about hundred classes in "Monticello-xxx" categories. But how
to use it? What is "Monticello browser" and how to run it?

Good luck.

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