
I've started playing with VM building and I've got a few questions, perhaps observations for which I was unable to find answers/confirmations.

Using: Win32 system, v1545 out of SVN repo; VMMakerTool

The following plugins don't have an platform specific files:  FileCopyPlugin and InternetConfigPlugin
The following plugins fail when VM generation is attempted. 

BalloonEnginePlugin, BitBltSimulation, DeflatePlugin, FFTPlugin, HostWindowPlugin, JoystickTabletPlugin, JPEGReadWriter2Plugin,
LargeIntegersPlugin, Mpeg3Plugin, RePlugin, SerialPlugin, SocketPlugin, SoundCodecPlugin, SoundPlugin.**

I did not attempt to "generate" MacMenubarPlugin, MIDIPlugin, or  TestOSAPlugin.

Is this expected, or am I doing something wrong?


**All fail with in the same spot...(indicated in red below) with a MessageNotUnderstood. spec ccgDecleareCForVar: argName.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
handlePrimitiveDirective: aStmt on: sStream

    isPrimitive := true.
    fullArgs := args.
    locals addAll: args.
    args := OrderedCollection new.
    fullArgs with: parmSpecs do:
        [:argName :spec |
                at: argName
                put: (spec ccgDeclareCForVar: argName)].
    aStmt isAssignment ifTrue:
            at: aStmt variable name
            put: (rcvrSpec ccgDeclareCForVar: aStmt variable name).
         sStream nextPutAll: (self
                    ccg:        SmartSyntaxPluginCodeGenerator new
                    prolog:  [:expr | aStmt variable name, ' _ ', expr]
                    expr:     aStmt variable name
                    index:     (fullArgs size))
            varName: '')].

    "only add the failure guard if there are args or it is an assignment"
    (fullArgs isEmpty not or:[aStmt isAssignment]) ifTrue:[self generateFailureGuardOn: sStream].

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