so there are french teacher teaching langages that they do not understand... really strange.
Can you tell us more? where are you?
There are lot of books on web about smalltalk that you can read and there is even a french book on squeak and
free columns so you can get a lot of information.

Look at my web page Stephane.Ducasse/index.html

On 13 oct. 06, at 16:30, Jerem' wrote:

Hi , we're french guys and , at school , we're just learning "Squeak"
> > and searching some examples to help us.
> >
> > Our teachers doesn't know this language that's why we ask it to you !!
> >
> > Would you be so kind as to send us a little script of a squeak
> > application!!
> >
> > Remenber we're novices ....Thankfully
> >
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