Le Dimanche 15 Octobre 2006 22:23, Todd Blanchard a écrit :

> Change the naming convention to
> Car
> Car-Parts
> Car-Assembler
> Car-PartFactory
> This naming convention produces a single Monticello package named Car
> with several sub-packages.
> You'll see this if you open a Package Pane Browser and see how it
> displays things (amber window) with a reglar class browser (green
> window).

I wasn't aware of the Package Browser so far, but it seems its functionality 
is somewhat limited as it seems to only offer another kind of view of 
categories and classes.  It does show the Car package when renamed like 
above, but I did not find the option to save (eg. file out ?) this Car 

And the Monticello browser does not even show the Car package once renamed 
like above.

So I've tried to use one change browser to save the Car category and it worked 
once.  Then I filed in the resulting .cs on another machine.  After modifying 
the category a bit, I tried to use the change browser once more on this other 
machine but it only showed deleted Car classes (there was a previous Car 
category that I deleted prior to file in the change set).

So the question remains.  

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