Although everything in Squeak is open, I find it quite hard sometimes to track down what is calling what. It would be great if I could open up a window to see which object is being called when I e.g. right click on the surface and bring up the World menu etc.

Is there some way to turn on the debugger and just let it run, or something like that?

Debugging the UI is tricky, because the debugger uses the UI. But you can see what methods get called using the profiler.

For instance, you can do this in a Workspace to debug the Morphic UI for 4 seconds (4000 msec):

now := Time millisecondClockValue.
TimeProfileBrowser spyOn: [ [ Time millisecondClockValue - now > 4000 ] whileFalse: [ World doOneCycleNow ] ]

After 4 seconds, you will see a TimeProfileBrowser pop up that will show what messages were called, and how many times. This works by interrupting the execution of the block given to spyOn: every millisecond or so, so it can miss methods that don't get called very often or are very fast.

You can also use the simulator to run code; this is much slower, but won't miss anything. Note that some primitives (for instance, in the BalloonEngine) won't simulate properly.

now := Time millisecondClockValue.
MessageTally tallySends: [ [ Time millisecondClockValue - now > 20000 ] whileFalse: [ World doOneCycleNow ] ]

Ned Konz
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