hi benjamin,
thanks for the quick reply!

> What operating system are you running on?

im on OS X (1.3.9) right now, using arduino 0004.
i will be migrating this project to a PC at some point, since this should go to an exhibited work, and im not leaving my laptop but rather my stationary PC at the exhibition space. but i guess ill worry about the PC stuff then. ;-)

> I also have an Arduino. I use Mac OS X, and my board shows up as a Unix device, in /dev/cu.usbserial-something or
> other. (I'm afraid I've left the board at the lab so I can't check right now! :)

OK. how do i check this? i can see it as an USB<->serial in system profiler...

Squeak has a SerialPort class, but I'm not sure how to get it to
recognize serial ports on OS X. I hear it works well on Windows - and
maybe Linux - but I'll leave explaining it to folks who know better.
It looks like Ned Konz wrote a short introduction to it recently, at


(The rest of the archives are at "http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/
pipermail/beginners/" - I think it must just be on a different
mailing list system than the page you found.)

On OS X, I've instead written a small C library to read and write the
serial port, and talked to it using Squeak's "FFI" functionality.
(FFI stands for Foreign Function Interface, and it's a way to call
external libraries from Squeak.) I've had success talking to the
Arduino this way.

I'd be happy to share my Unix/OS X code if it would help - let me know!

Benjamin Schroeder

thanks! i would greatly appreciate your code!

jacob remin

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