Hi Mike,

if by "more message oriented opcode" you mean Gilad Bracha's Invokedynamic opcode

- http://www.google.com/search?q=jvm+Invokedynamic

this is not sufficient for full Smalltalk/Squeak. Though it may be sufficient for scripting languages (languages in which, usually, types are unknown at compile-time).

What is also needed is full "hotswapping"

- http://blogs.sun.com/gbracha/entry/jsr292_and_hotswapping

and support for Smalltalk's #become: ...

But, perhaps, you had something else in mind?


On Wed, 08 Nov 2006 16:55:50 +0100, Michael Kohout wrote:

I suppose this is more of a pie in the sky type question, but with the
changes coming to the Java virtual machine in version 7, where the jvm
itself provides a more message oriented opcode, has any consideration
gone into perhaps porting squeak to run on the jvm?

I'm aware of talks2 but it seems as if development on that
effort(based on the public releases/news) is at a standstill.

Mike Kohout

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