David Douthitt wrote:
How about Common LISP (with CLOS) and FORTH for two? FORTH isn't OOP, but at least one author described how an OOP FORTH could be done (Dick Pountain). FORTH doesn't save "images" as much as they utilize the source code model: start up with the core, and load extensions from source. Other than that, the model is the same.

Well, as you say, Forth isn't object-based and the common communication mechanism is source code, so I don't see a lot of similarity with Smalltalk images. It's certainly true that it's common for developers to save the state of their dictionaries (ie, compiled code) as a convenience, but that's about it.

This "image-based" idea is what makes FORTHers - or LISPers - or Smalltalkers roll their eyes and sigh heavily (figuratively speaking!!) when someone says: "Yes, but how do I save JUST MY PROGRAM into an executable?"

In my experience, most Forth systems have some set of words like TURNKEY that create a "sealed" application where the user isn't presented with the normal Forth "environment" (ie, the interpreter prompt), and for at least the last decade I think they've offered optimizations that strip unused words from the dictionary for application deployment. I think for the equivalent functionality you'd be looking at something like Dolphin Smalltalk rather than Squeak -- but perhaps someone here will point out the Squeakish way of creating "standalone" (in appearance, at least) applications.

Forth, Lisp, and Smalltalk are all intensely interactive languages and all seem designed in a way to make it easy to "open the hood" and see how the innards are working. I can't speak to CLOS, but in my limited experience Smalltalk was unique for its time in presenting the developer with browsers and making their use such an important part of normal development. I don't think there's anything similar in Forth.


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