On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:02:50 +0100, Michael Davies wrote:
On 07/02/07, Giovanni Corriga wrote:

Not to mention the fact that if you use a Symbol instead of a block,
that use won't be listed in the Senders browser.


That was one of the things that I originally thought would weigh
against this idiom, but found to my surprise that "Senders of"
identified these references correctly-- I'd previously found symbols
being included in my results and wondered why, but it looks as though
someone was aware of this gotcha.

Yes, and it is even more general: have a look at method #badSelectors for example, and check the senders of one of the symbols in this list. If a method refers (anyhow) to a symbol, the latter is considered a (potential) sender.

So you can find the #mySymbol sender when you use it in (myObject perform: #mySymbol), but the same goes for (myCollection select: #mySymbol).

BTW I whish that Marcus would read this thread, he invented Symbol>>#value: :)



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