Hello all,


I thought I'd forward this to squeak-dev, beginners and seaside lists.
There has been a bit of talk about teaching your kids to squeak, so if you
are an Etoy developer or a fan, if you know some teachers, let them know, or
if you are a parent of a squeaker, then this event is for you!  Plus this
would also be a good chance to learn more about OLPC.  Spread the word and
save the date:  August 1, 2 & 3 for SqueakFest '07.


Ron Teitelbaum

Squeak News Team Member


From: Kim Rose



Thanks to the continued interest and generosity of Columbia College Chicago,
we are delighted to announce SqueakFest '07! 


The dates for this year's gathering are:

August 1, 2 & 3


Hands-on Workshops Wednesday, August 1st

Keynotes, presentations & panels Thursday and Friday, August 2 & 3


SqueakFest is open to educators, parents (homeschoolers, other)  developers,
community technology center leaders, etc., etc.  -- anyone interested in
working with Squeak Etoys.


This year we're planning a special track on the One Laptop Per Child
Initiative ($100 laptop)  and welcome participation by Etoy content
developers for this particular platform in addition to those using  or
planning to use Squeak Etoys on other computing platforms.  (For those who
may be unaware, Squeak Etoys is currently one offering provided on the $100
laptop which is being distributed in great quantity this year.)


Please save these dates and help spread the word to colleagues and friends
you think would be interested in attending. 


We'll be sending a "call for presentations" in early April and also
launching the official SqueakFest '07 website at that time.


Please mark your calendar and  plan to join us in Chicago for SqueakFest

Please "stay tuned" for more details!



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