On May 23, 2007, at 16:37 , Darren White wrote:

Hello, Thanks fro the replies.

I think my first question was a little fuzzy. I think what I need to do as change the question.

If for example I have a seaside web app and users need to create an account. Now, for each user I create an object, say an instance of class Users, which has instance variables such as name and address. So the new user puts in their detail such as name, address, telephone number and then click register. How should (not what) the system name this object. What I'm confused about is I don't know how may users the system will have have do I name all the user object; I can't call them all aUser . If the first user gets an object named user1 how do I create another instance of User named user2 or What about If I want to use one of the input field as part of the name of the object?

The example below may make it clear what I mean

10 timesRepeat: [
x := 1 asString.
''the value of x can be any string object"
user"how do I add x to be part off the name so I end up with variable named user1 user2 ... " := User new.
x := x + x.]

There is a cool thing called a "collection" that can hold as many users as you want:

        users := OrderedCollection new.
        10 timesRepeat: [users add: User new].

And later you can access an individual user like this:

        users at: 2

        users at: 5

- Bert -

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