Matthew Fulmer napisał(a):
> On Tue, Jun 05, 2007 at 08:55:20PM +0200, Damian Dobroczyn'ski wrote:
> SqueakMap is completely and utterly broken on 3.7 and earlier
> images, due to internationalization fixes in 3.8. We should put
> a big warning somewhere..., not that it breaks anything, but it
> is really annoying. I ran into the same problem a few days ago.
> My advice is don't use 3.7 and older images.

Thanx. Currently I use 3.8 and 3.9. Now I have a question about package
Is it possible to UNinstall a package by a one-click (it may be red,
yellow or purple or whatever)? I did not find such a feature in SM
Package Loader. Or it's just a matter of removing several class
categories using SystemBrowser?
Sometimes packages decorate some previously installed classes with extra
methods (like Maui for example adding #maui message to classes
protocol). So, I'd be happy to uninstall a package with necessary clean-up.
Is it possible in Squeak?


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