Hi Benjamin,

Alt-period worked well on Windows too. Basically all I wanted is not to lose my work if I do something silly.

Thanks a lot!


Benjamin Schroeder wrote:

On Aug 5, 2007, at 10:03 AM, Peter Mucsi wrote:


I'm a newbee playing around in Squeak for a while.

Sometimes I write code that is faulty, for example, execution gets into an infinite loop. If the loop doesn't stop after a while, the whole environment gets frozen and I have to kill Squeak in Windows XP. I have tried #forkAt (I put my stuff into a BlockClosure instance), it has solved the problem, but is there a way in Squeak to do this automatically? Can I execute something in Workspace that is put automatically into a low priority thread?

Hi Peter,

One thing you can do if you do get stuck in an infinite loop is to press alt-. (alt-period).* This will interrupt the currently executing thread. Squeak will bring up a walkback window which you can use as a debugger on the stopped thread, or just close to move on.

(I know this doesn't answer the question directly! You could make a Workspace that forked things off without too much work, although there isn't such a thing built in AFAIK. Check out #evaluateSelection in ParagraphEditor to see where workspaces, etc., evaluate code. Of course there are twisty parts: e.g., you'd then have to manage stopping processes that ran too long, since they would still run in the background and use up resources.)

Hope this helps,
Benjamin Schroeder

* At least I think this is right. For me, on Mac, it's command-period, so I think it's alt-period on XP. It could be ctrl-period if not.

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