Hi Jakub,

on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 18:29:53 +0100, you wrote:

yeah a, b instance of same class and i want copy all instance variables
values to a i want do a := b but i dont want to a is same object as b. In
memory will be two objects a, b with same values ..

If you mean to have class Person and (aPerson := Person new), (bPerson := Person new) and later you want that aPerson has exactly the same instance variables as bPerson, then you might want

 aPerson copyFrom: bPerson

This is not often used (it's rather at the system level), because most Smalltalk developers set instance variables by mutators, like

 aPerson name: bPerson name.
 aPerson address: bPerson address.

See also the comment in #copyFrom: on the instance side of Object.

Enjoy Smalltalk :)


but if i change a i dont
change b.


2008/1/15, Mathieu Suen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi Jakub

I don't really understand your question.
What is a and b? Are they instance of the same class?

On Jan 14, 2008, at 10:42 PM, Jakub wrote:

> hello,
> i want do i want set var a as all instance vars of b. Something s
> clone - coppy of one object. I look for clone command in SBE book
> but i found nothing.
> Thnx.
> --
> Jakub. _______________________________________________
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