I'm an idiot. That doesn't work either. Why not?

On Jan 22, 2008 10:12 PM, Marcin Tustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For the avoidance of confusion, here is a version with non-guessed syntax:
> f := [:a :ff | a ifTrue: [{a . (ff value: (a not) value: ff)}] ifFalse:
> a].
> g := [:a :ff | a ifTrue: [{a . (ff value: (a not) value: ff)}] ifFalse:
> a].
> f value: true value: g.
> On Jan 22, 2008 9:35 PM, Marcin Tustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You could add an extra parameter that is another block. Use that
> > parameter as the value of carre in the block. something like:
> >
> > f := [:a :ff | a ifTrue: [ff (a not) ff] ]
> > ff: = [:a :ff | a ifTrue: [ff (a not) ff] ]
> >
> >
> > On Jan 22, 2008 9:10 PM, Hilaire Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I got an error "Attempt to evaluate a block that is already being
> > > evaluated", when I call in recursion a block like
> > >
> > > carre := [:s1 :s2 :s3 :s4 :n |
> > >        n >0 ifTrue:
> > >                [carre valueWithArguments:  {(segment value: s1 value:
> > > s2).
> > >                         (segment value: s2 value: s3).
> > >                         (segment value: s3 value: s4).
> > >                         (segment value: s1 value: s4).
> > >                         n-1}]]
> > >
> > > Hilaire
> > >
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