On Sat, 12 Apr 2008 20:55:49 +0200, David Goldstrom wrote:

   I'm working through a beginner tutorial, and like what I see so far,

Welcome David :)

but I have a side question...

   Is there a wysiwyg editor for squeak? I guess I can live without
(and use LaTEX outside of Squeak) but it would be nice to have. I don't
need "Word" or "OpenOffice" but I'd like something more like "Wordpad."

  Is SqueakMap the place to look for something like that, or is there
someplace else?

There's a video about Sophie in action, a Squeak wysiwyg application,

- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag59IDi3dgQ

and Sophie's home page is here,

- http://sophieproject.org/

  Are there enough tools to really 'live' in a squeak environment? One
example would be a web-browser inside Squeak so that I could access
google apps?

Look for Scamper, I think it's on SqueakMap (it may depend on your Squeak version).

Enjoy Squeak :)


Thanks in advance,
David G.

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