Quoting Lukas Renggli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > >  Transcript shows: 'redirecting to /@Rp3_OTsQFp6cJCVr/SrBb63Bv', then I
> get a
> >  >  popup dialog with: 'Could not resolve the server named: '
> >
> > Indeed, there is a problem there. Sorry about that. I will check.
> Ok, it should work again. There was something wrong with the file-system
> access.
> Cheers,
> Lukas

Hi Lukas,

With the .html suffix, it now opens the repository, but Transcript shows: 'Could
not read Essential-lr.25.mcz'

This happens after it looks in the cache. Here's the sequence of events:


        ^ selectedVersionInfo realizeFrom: repository

... where repository is a

realizeFrom: aRepository

        ^ aRepository realizeFullVersionInfo: self

realizeFullVersionInfo: aStubVersionInfoInstance

        ^ self versionInfoFromFileNamed: aStubVersionInfoInstance name

...where aStubVersionInfoInstance is

versionInfoFromFileNamed: aString
        self cache at: aString ifPresent: [:v | ^ v info].
        ^ self loadVersionInfoFromFileNamed: aString

loadVersionInfoFromFileNamed: aString
        ^ [ self versionReaderForFileNamed: aString do: [:r | r info]
                ] on: Error
                        do: [ :ex | Transcript cr; show: 'Could not read ', 

versionReaderForFileNamed: aString do: aBlock
        ^ (self versionReaderForFileNamed: aString) ifNotNilDo: aBlock

loadVersionInfoFromFileNamed: aString
        ^ [ self versionReaderForFileNamed: aString do: [:r | r info]
                ] on: Error
                        do: [ :ex | Transcript cr; show: 'Could not read ', 

        info ifNil: [self loadVersionInfo].
        ^ info

        info := self extractInfoFrom: (self parseMember: 'version')

loadVersionInfoFromFileNamed: aString
        ^ [ self versionReaderForFileNamed: aString do: [:r | r info]
                ] on: Error
                        do: [ :ex | Transcript cr; show: 'Could not read ', 

self versionReaderForFileNamed: 'Essential-lr.25.mcz'

returns a a MCMczReader with a ZipArchive whose members are an

Let me know if I can provide more detail,   ...Stan
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