stan shepherd wrote:

nicolas cellier wrote:

Yes indeed, 168 clones of PBBooleanPreferenceView...
We now have to figure out who created these clones, for what purpose, before deciding if it is a bug, but it looks like a bug indeed...


It happens in Preferences>>savePersonalPreferences
        "Save the current list of Preference settings as the user's personal

        self  setParameter:#PersonalDictionaryOfPreferences
                 to:self dictionaryOfPreferences deepCopy

I think during the deepCopy.


Using veryDeepCopy instead of deepCopy would avoid cloning classes
(as the name does not help to guess).

Well, this would deserve some guru advice, I don't much like all these copy messages... But veryDeepCopy seems much better than deepCopy. The later is not immune to infinite loops in case of circular references...


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