On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 18:27:48 +0200, Cedrick wrote:

or withNicolas suggestion:

        | subset |
        subset := (OrderedCollection new: (2 raisedTo: self size))
                add: Set new;
        1 to: self size do: [:subSize | "don't copy anymore as there is the
Set conversion"
        self asArray combinations: subSize atATimeDo: [:subArray | subset
add: subArray asSet]].
        ^ subset asSet

Ah, you francophones always want to see Blaise Pascal's triangle at work ;)

Didn't check #combinations:* implementation, does it avoid #includes: ?

I'd still prefer #combinationsSize:do: instead of #combinations:atATimeDo:

+1 but it looks alt-w friendly already (like #detectSum: looks ;)

How about naming

       ^ self asSet powersetInto: (Set new: (2 raisedTo: self size))

with Set>>#powersetInto: and putting that into the next release.


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