> Version Control
> Hi all,
> we are a small group of people working together on a project 
> in Squeak.
> Now, I was wondering what the most common workflow for supporting
> collaborative work in the Squeak environment is.
> Like normally you would have a central SVN repository where everyone
> could check their stuff in and than update and merge new stuff with
> their own local repository...
> As far as I understand, Monticello does all the versioning 
> and packaging
> stuff. But I currently do not see the collaborative part in that
> (without sending mcz-files via eMail). Also, we do not want to publish
> our project (like on SqueakSource) at this point in time. We 
> are looking
> for an internal solution.
> What is generally the most common workflow to do that in Squeak?
> Thanks,
> Matthias

You can have a common repository via shared directories or via nothing more
than Apache with a read write web dav folder which you use as an http

Ramon Leon

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