On 22.11.2008, at 01:15, Matthias Korn wrote:


thanks for your hints. I also found ColorForm>>replaceColor:with: which
does what you describe. But it is unfortunately not what I was looking
for. I wasn't very clear in my original post:

I (now) have a gray-scale image which I want to colorize, that is I
want to change the hue of the image and not just replace a color with
another (or floodfill for that matter).

Hope you guys have some ideas. I tried searching with the Method Finder,
but my poor english didn't take me very far.

Use a color map. Your grayscale image could be 8 bits, so with a 256 entries palette you can map that to any color(s) you want. Color maps are used in ColorForm, or directly with BitBlt.

- Bert -

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