Hi Herbert,

Sorry for not being so clear. I'm trying to design a GUI using input field 
where user will input their name and the other part of the GUI is like another 
text field to display all the list of user input. 
Let's say user input name: Lisa and hit enter button, 
the GUI will display: 
List of user: 

If another user type in their name for example: Joan, then the screen will 
List of user:

I write the method on the enter button to display the text but the text is 
always replacing the old one instead of append it to the next line. Do you have 
any advise how to make this work? Thanks in advance.



Hello Alex,

AC> I am trying to design my first GUI using text editor and
AC> input field. But I'm a bit confuse on how to append the user input
AC> text to text editor in the next line without replacing the current
AC> value of text editor.

this is not clear to me.

AC> Basically I'm trying to list all the user input from input
AC> field to the text editor, for example:

AC> List of guest writer:
AC> Lisa Lewis
AC> Bert Hall
AC> Sonya Gayle

This looks like you want to use a PluggableListMorph.
Search this list or the swiki for PluggableMorphsDemo.pr

AC> Can I use WriteStream in my text editor method? Please give
AC> me some enlightenment. Thank you.

Actually I do not understand what you mean by a text editor. But yes
for adding together lots of Strings Streams are a fast way.

But your example looks like you want a Collection of Strings.

If this doesn't help, please give some more examples.

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