On Thursday 26 Mar 2009 3:14:20 am Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> Well, the Etoys install should have created a menu entry so you just  
> click that and it should work.
This only launches Squeak. Mac users are used to opening *.image files by 
drag-n-drop on the Squeak app. If there are only a few images, the following 
steps will create a desktop button to launch an image directly:

1. Right click on Desktop, click on "Create Launcher..."
2. Enter Name: "My Development Image"
            Command: "squeak path-to-my.image"
3. Click on Icon and pick a good graphic for your desktop button.
4. Click OK.

A button will now appear on your desktop. Clicking it will open the image in 
squeak directly.

HTH .. Subbu

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