On Tue, 05 May 2009 15:29:30 +0200, Edgar J. De Cleene wrote:

I need a way for two collections of different size could be tested for all elements in both.

A quick and dirty (a prototype) is, to put both into the same new IdentitySet (or set, depends on your #=) and then just compare sizes.

Then you also don't need to sort, the set (of both) will free you from sorting. And #copyWithoutAll: can then give you things in B which are not in A, etc.



A  := #(a1 a2 a3).
B := #(b1 b2 b3 b4 b5).

Some similar to

with: otherCollection do: twoArgBlock
"Evaluate twoArgBlock with corresponding elements from this collection
    and otherCollection."
    otherCollection size = self size

But for different size

Very thanks

"If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it". Albert Einstein

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