--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Edgar J. De Cleene <edgardec2...@yahoo.com.ar> wrote:

> From: Edgar J. De Cleene <edgardec2...@yahoo.com.ar>
> Subject: [Newbies] [Q] What is wrong here ?
> To: "A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about 
> Squeak." <beginners@lists.squeakfoundation.org>
> Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 9:23 AM
> Folks:
> I try to made aq very simple MahJongg  with this info links
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahjong_solitaire
> http://home.halden.net/vkp/vkp/
> For made the grid I made
> grid := OrderedCollection new.

> madeThisRowFor: aInteger at: aPoint
>     | topRow square newSquare |
>     topRow := AlignmentMorph newRow.
>     topRow position: aPoint.
>     topRow openInWorld.
>     square := Morph new.
>     square color: Color transparent;
>          borderWidth: 2;
>          extent: 45 @ 54;
>          borderColor: Color blue.
>     1
>         to: aInteger
>         do: [:c | 
>             newSquare := square copy.
>             topRow addMorph: newSquare.
>             grid add: topRow submorphs last center].
> DonĀ¹t work as grid is populated by same values .
> Example: 
> self madeThisRowFor: 12 at: 0 @ 0.
> Grid an OrderedCollection(2...@27 2...@27 2...@27 2...@27 2...@27
> 2...@27 2...@27 2...@27
> 2...@27 2...@27 2...@27 2...@27)
> But if I put self half before
> grid add: topRow submorphs last center
> I got
> an OrderedCollection(2...@29 6...@29 1...@29 etc )
> Really odd, some could explain ?

You have left out some important details.
There seems to be a class involved.
What is it. Is grid an ivar of that class?

Also, Why not do a mockup in a workspace first?
Why not just create the row then collect the centers from the submorphs?

squarePrototype := what you said for square.

topRow := what you said for topRow

anInteger timesDo: [ topRow addMorph: squarePrototype copy ] .

then make

grid := topRow submorphs collect: [ :each | each center ] .

Yours in curiosity and service, -Jerome Peace

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