On 30.10.2009, at 11:52, Christine Wolfe wrote:

drawOn: aCanvas
super drawOn: aCanvas.
(self perform: ('face', dieValue asString) asSymbol)
do: [{:aPoint, anotherPoint} | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPoint to: anotherPoint]

In my version of Squeak this won't even compile.

How did you accept that method?

The curly-bracket array notation can not be used to extract multiple arguments. Instead, you would have to do something like this:

[:aPointPair | self drawLineOn: aCanvas from: aPointPair first to: aPointPair second]

And secondly, this expression is valid syntactically but does not do what you might expect:

^...@2, 2...@10}, {...@2, 1...@2}, {...@10, 2...@10}, {...@10, 1...@2}}

In non-literal Array notation, expressions must be separated by periods, not commas:

{...@2. 2...@10}. {...@2. 1...@2}. {...@10, 2...@10}. {...@10. 1...@2}}

The way you would verify a line like this or your's above is you simply select it and press cmd-p so it will print the result. You can do this in any browser or workspace.

- Bert -

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