I think you might need to call SymbolArray>>intialize by your self.

If you look at the chain of message sends starting from 'SymbolArray new'
1) OrderedCollection new
2) OrderedCollection new:
3) Behavior basicNew

There is no call to initialize.

On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 16:28, Christine Wolfe <cwd...@earthlink.net> wrote:

>  I want to put add an imageMorph on top of another imageMorph.
> I can do this with the following method (note SymbolBlank is an imageMorph
> MyBoard>>addSymbol
> |im|
> im := SymbolBlank new.
> self addMorph: im.
> im topLeft: 2...@2.
> I want to enhance this so I can choose one of a collection of imageMorphs
> to add.
> I created a class, SymbolArray, that is a subclass of OrderedCollection
> with the following initialize method. Each of the items I’m adding
> (SymbolBlank, SymbolGet, etc) is an imageMorph.
> SymbolArray>>initialize
> super initialize.
> self add: SymbolBlank new.
> self add: SymbolGet new.
> self add: SymbolProcess new.
> self add: SymbolPut new.
> self add: SymbolIf new.
> self add: SymbolWhile new.
> Then I tried to modify the addSymbol method as show below.
> When I do, I get the following error message which sounds like I don’t have
> an element at index 1…
> SymbolArray(OrderedCollection)>>errorNoSuchElement
> SymbolArray(OrderedCollection)>>at:
> | sa si |
> sa := SymbolArray new.
> si := sa at: 1.
> self addMorph: si.
> si topLeft:  2...@2.
> I hope someone can help me figure out how to accomplish what I want to do.
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