On 11.11.2009, at 11:38, John Worden wrote:

> Absolute beginner playing with smalltalk.  I have a simple program that opens 
> a number of text files, plays with data closes files and gives a count of 
> things in the files. (Its actually my Squeak version of the Cincom VW 
> Tutorial).  I have run it on Squeak, Pharo and Cuis images. What suprised me 
> was the difference in speeds.  I haven't done tried to time it (I should do 
> that or at least work out how to) but Squeak and Pharo take about the same 
> time whereas Cuis is significantly quicker. I know its a cut down image but 
> the difference is remarkable.  Is this to be expected? 

To a certain extent, yes. I'd suspect the unicode-support, which Cuis does not 
have, but Squeak and Pharo do. You would have to turn that off explicitly in 
Squeak if you care about performance.

- Bert -

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