On 12.04.2010, at 16:13, Paul DeBruicker wrote:
> Hi - 
> If I had a SortedCollection of rectangular solid objects (that just have
> the ivars height, width, depth), how could I sort it by height, then
> width, then depth?
> So three object:
> A) h: 10, w: 5, d: 3
> B) h: 60, w: 2, d: 14
> C) h: 10, w: 3, d: 27
> And then after sorting they'd be in this order: 
> B) h: 60, w: 2, d: 14
> A) h: 10, w: 5, d: 3
> C) h: 10, w: 3, d: 27
> First sorted by height, then by width, then by depth.  
> Is there a way to do that using just a #sortBlock:  

Sure. Basically your sort block would look like

        a height > b height or: [
                a height = b height and: [
                        a width > b width or: [
                                a width = b width and: [
                                        a depth > b depth]]]]

- Bert -

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