Did you add the submitOnClick sends to the radioButton tags?

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Andy Burnett <
andy.burn...@knowinnovation.com> wrote:

> John McKeon wrote:
> <<<
> Hey Andy
> I have a radio group defined like this (using your code):
> renderContentOn:html
> | group |
> html form:
>  [
> html radioGroup [ :rg |
> rg radioButton
>                         submitOnClick;
> selected: self contact isMale;
> callback: [self halt];
>                         with: [html text:'male'].
>                 rg radioButton...etc
> ]
> Hope that helps
> John
> >>>
> Thanks John,
> That does fix part of the problem. Initially the radio buttons weren't
> actually in concert - the code in the Seaside book wasn't producing
> 'name="something"' code.  I wonder whether that code would ever work?
> Anyway, unfortunately, the callbacks are still not working. It is very odd.
>  The form renders properly, it is just that the callbacks never fire.  The
> code below shows two version - radio button and select statement. The select
> version works perfectly.  I would be really interested to know how to go
> about debugging this.
> renderContentOn:html
> html form:
> [
> html radioGroup: [ :rg |
>  rg radioButton
> selected: self contact isMale;
> callback: [self contact beMale];
>                         with: [html text:'male'].
> rg radioButton
> selected: self contact isFemale;
>  callback: [self contact beFemale];
>                         with: [html text:'female'].
> ].
> html select
> list: #(#Male #Female);
> selected: self contact gender;
>  callback: [:value| (value=#Male) ifTrue:[self contact beMale]
> ifFalse:[self contact beFemale]].
> html submitButton on: #save of:self.
> ]
> Cheers
> Andy
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