
I wonder if there is any documentation that documents the different classes and 
methods available in Smalltalk. Preferably like javadoc in java.

For example, somewhere you could go when you want to understand a code like the 
following (taken from the Laser-game tutorial at squeak).

panel := RectangleMorph new borderWidth: 0;

   color: Color white;

   layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new.


   addMorph: self makeQuitGameButton



         fractions: (0...@1 corner: 1...@1)

         offsets: (

            (20 @ (vertOffsetTop negated))

        corner: (-20 @ (vertOffsetBtm negated)))).


That is, you make a panel using the ProportionalLayout and then you add buttons 
to it. Here you need to know what the ProportionalLayout  is and how the 
fractions and offsets parameters work
to understand how the buttons are placed.

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