I have a #toDo: method instead of #revisit: wich for me is more

I also have a test that verifies that I have no #toDo: senders, and I run
all the tests before closing a new version. But that's just a bonus.

For me it's not cheating, it's just a simple tool, programmed in Smalltalk.
It's the same thing as #halt. It's a breakpoint, but you have to send the
message in a method body when you want to add it. It's a hack, but it works



On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Kannan Thambiah <pygo...@web.de> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Squeakers,
> I've just been reading through the Laser Game Manual by Stephan B Wessels,
> and stumbled upon the section where he suggested a method for leaving notes,
> i.e. ToDos in the source code (
> http://squeak.preeminent.org/tut2007/html/035B.html).
> He suggests to enhance the Object class with a new method "revisit:
> aString", that doesn't have a method body. Instead every subclass of Object
> where we want to leave notes, we'll just send us a message, e.g. "self
> revisit: 'I still need to think about a more effective algorithm here'".
> The trick is that now you can search for all senders of "revisit:" and have
> all your ToDos in one place.
> What do you think about this approach?
> Personally I dislike it. Though it is an interesting approach I somehow
> feel like cheating on the purpose of methods and messages. I don't know how
> to put it into better words, it just doesn't feel like neat, clean object
> oriented programming to me.
> What do you think? And, more important, how do you keep track of your
> ToDos? How do you keep them in your comments, and how do you make them
> available to yourself in an overview?
> Greetings,
> pygospa
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