
(I am ccing squeak-dev because it will give us a better chance of good answers)

On 02/01/2011 08:33 PM, Raz Welles wrote:
Hey, I've just begun learning Squeak, and I was wondering if there was
to use .Net dll's with Squeak (libomv in particular). BrianRice
pointed out the dotNetBridge, but it seems to be dead, as the
saltypickle.com site is gone.

But you can still get the code using SqueakMap cache:


(jsut adding "/cache" to the page for the version)

This will give you a file called "cache", just rename it to the proper *.mcz name.

And if you use the SqueakMap Package Loader from inside Squeak it should use this automatically. :)

> FFI seems a bit daunting to delve into.

FFI is actually simple to use, but C# libs can not be called just by using FFI.

Mono had a wrapping tool called "cilc" earlier (I googled) that could generate a C lib wrapper for C# libs, that you then could have called using FFI. But it has been discontinued in Mono 2.8, anyone know of similar tools?

Also FFI will "soonish" get much better too - Eliot is working on that.

Does anyone have insight into .Net and Squeak interop?

Not really :) But it is IMHO an increasinly interesting question.

regards, Göran
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