Okay I partially figured this out and was able to add a scripting tile to my
own category.

In the class additionsToViewerCategoryFraction I added a "slot" using:

(slot st1 'The quantity of Steve parts' Number readWrite Player
getMajorTicks Player setMajorTicks:)

The part I was missing was I had to to Etoys-Scripting Player the
getMajorTicks and
setMajorTicks Methods.

I also found I can use command instead of slot.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:04 AM, Steve Thomas <sthom...@gosargon.com>wrote:

> Subbu,
> Thanks perhaps I should have been clearer in my question, I want to know
> how to create my own "property/command tile".  For example I want to create
> a new morph to create a number line object.   I would like to add a new
> "category" (ie:  like collections for a playfield) for my number line and
> add property tiles that can be dragged from the viewer into the script.
> Stephen
> On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 8:39 PM, K. K. Subramaniam 
> <kksubbu...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Monday 14 Feb 2011 2:07:53 am Steve Thomas wrote:
>> > I am working on learning squeak and want to know how to create a
>> scripting
>> > tile for use in Etoys.
>> Bring up Etoys (scripting tool) for a morph by clicking on the 'eye' halo
>> icon. You will get a flap containing property and command tiles for that
>> morph.
>> You can drag the "empty script" tile into the world to get an empty
>> scriptor.
>> Or drag any desired property/command tile from this flap and drop it into
>> the
>> world and a scriptor will automatically be created around this tile. You
>> may
>> drop further tiles from Etoys flap into this script to build a sequence of
>> tiles.
>> While scripting, you may find it useful to keep "All Scripts" (controls
>> running
>> of scripts) and "Players" morph (list of morphs with scripts) around.
>> Also see http://www.squeakland.org/tutorials/
>> Subbu
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