Wow, a reply right from the author. I am beginning to understand (1%) DBus.
Your terrific browser led me to understand I should look for Gnome signals
in Gnome, that the solution will need to be platform dependent ... still in
the dark how that will pan out. One can learn a lot by reading good code,
and I feel like I am learning.

Gary Dunn
Open Slate Project

On Feb 28, 2011 10:58 AM, "Bert Freudenberg" <> wrote:

On 28.02.2011, at 12:06, Gary Dunn wrote:

> While studying DBus code I came across a method that a...
#sessionBus is an accessor. This is a lazy initialization.

Besides, from outside the DBusConnection class hierarchy you could not even
access the SessionBus class variable.

- Bert -

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