On Tue, 8 Mar 2011, Paul DeBruicker wrote:

Hi -

Chronos (http://www.chronos-st.org & http://www.squeaksource.com/Chronos ) would load into and work in Squeak 3.9, but it won't load into 4.2. The error given is 'Futures must be sent messages' I think this comes up because Chronos has a class InfiniteTimepoint that has two class side methods:

InfiniteTimepoint class >> polarity: polarity
        ^polarity ifTrue: [self future] ifFalse: [self past]


InfiniteTimepoint class >> future
        Future == nil
                        [Future :=
                                (self basicNew)

For some reason when polarity: is compiled it is using Object>>future rather than the version of future that is defined by InfiniteTimepoint.

Is there any way to change the load/compile order of those two methods when loading into 4.2? I know I could rename the InfiniteTimepoint version of future to something else but its a package that works as is on VisualWorks, Dolphin, Pharo, and Gemstone. So I'd either maintain a separate version for squeak or have to get the package maintainer to make a change for all platforms and users.

I'm using linux and the all-in-one app from squeak.org

Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

#future and #future: sends are inlined by the compiler. Currently there's no way to turn this off, but it can be easily implemented. IIRC Croquet needs these methods to be inlined.


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