<lists.squeakfoundation.org <at> ben.coman.com.au> writes:

> Rick H. wrote:
>   <lists.squeakfoundation.org <at> ben.coman.com.au> writes:
>     I've got Windows 7.  I can test if you outline a step-by-step.
> Sure.  It's disturbingly simple.  I open up a new tab in my Internet 
> 8 window, type this into the top box, and press return. 
> http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakByExample.html
> The text in the box changes to: 
> http://www.squeaksource.com/ <at> 2RH_FUm3Eg_bB4Vf/7qNAMBqT
> And I get the message: 
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access / <at> 2RH_FUm3Eg_bB4Vf/7qNAMBqT on this 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache/1.3.41 Server at www.squeaksource.com Port 80
> On Windows 7 with IE8 I typed:  
> http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakByExample   into the address bar and
> it seems to work fine, 
> changing the address bar to: 
> http://www.squeaksource.com/ <at> Tn8orBHYjPJk26uc/2pR31wbz  
> I then typed:   www.google.com   into the address bar, 
> followed by again typing:  
> http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakByExample    into the address bar
> and got:    http://www.squeaksource.com/ <at> G9WiRi32jRcJqmrq/TjM5FQU6
> I tried to reproduce your error by...
> Going reviewing Safety > Web Page Privacy Report showing that a
> cookie was accepted.
> Clicking on Settings, and then on
> the Internet Options dialog dragged the slider to Block All Cookies,
> but that had no impact on viewing the page.  
> You might anyway try: Safety > Delete Browsing History.
> Sorry thats about all I can offer. 

Interesting.  I was able to reproduce it from right here in the newsgroup.  I 
think it has to do with whether you end your url with .html .   I clicked in 
your message where you tell me what you typed.  
http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakbyExample (no .html)  It worked fine.  I 
used the browser's backarrow, and clicked in my message where I say what I 
typed.  http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakbyExample.html (with .html)  It 

Can you reproduce this behavior?

            Regards, Rick

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