Matt Chelen wrote:
> I attempted to set up SqueakDBX using the method you recommended, and 
> when it didn't work (couldn't find one of the objects, and I kept 
> getting something similar to "Nothing expected ->")

I'm sorry about all the frustration. A few things:
* what version of Squeak are you using? All the scripts provided in this
thread have worked for me in 4.2
* the thing that seems like an error is probably the "unknown selector"
dialog. That is normal. Squeak doesn't recognize the selector because it
hasn't been loaded yet (with Metacello). Just click on the first item to
tell Squeak that you meant what you typed and it will load.
* In general, the more detail you can provide on failure, the easier it will
be for the community to help. "It didn't work" is too general to be useful.
* You don't have to load Metacello; It will load automatically when you use
it. That said, what problem did you have loading Metacello per the website?
I copy and pasted the "Squeak" script from the link you provided and it
loaded fine.
* What specific error did you have installing Postgres? The script provided
earlier in this thread worked for me...

Take what you need from this, which works in 4.2:

> "Install Metacello - this is not necessary, but works
> Installer squeaksource
>     project: 'MetacelloRepository';
>     install: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello'. 
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMetacello) perform: #load."
> "Install SqueakDBX"
> Installer ss 
>   project: 'MetacelloRepository'; 
>   install: 'ConfigurationOfSqueakDBX'. 
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfSqueakDBX) project stableVersion load. 
> "Install Postgres"
> Installer ss
>  project: 'MetacelloRepository';
>  install: 'ConfigurationOfPostgresV2'. 
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPostgresV2) load.


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