A SketchMorph lets you set the extent directly


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 4:44 PM, Jan Teske <
jan.te...@student.hpi.uni-potsdam.de> wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm currently developing a small game with Squeak. Part of it is a bunch
> of menus which should have background images. Therefore I have realized
> them as ImageMorphs with the respective images.
> Now, there are menus which sizes are determined dynamically during the
> runtime of the game. That means I have to change the size of the menus.
> Since I cannot do this by manipulating 'menu extent: ...' directly, the
> only way I found until now is to manipulate the image form 'menu image:
> menu image scaledToSize: ...'. That works pretty well except for one thing:
> I cannot change the aspect ration of the original image with scaledToSize:.
> Since I do not know the extends of my menus before the game starts, I
> cannot say anything about the needed image ratio. Since my menus should be
> as applicable as possible I need to be able to resize also in a way which
> destroys the original scales.
> Is there any easy workaround for my problem or a recommended way for
> creating resizable Morphs with background images?
> Thanks in advance!
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