Ah that's curious - your reply did not have a Re: and was not threaded with the 
original message. Would have saved me to write a message very similar to yours 

- Bert -

On 23.04.2012, at 10:44, Louis LaBrunda wrote:

> Hi,
> For your example:
>       cellObject cellLock: aBoolean
> where cellObject is to look like: cell1, cell2, cell3 ..., or cell9
> I don't think you want or need to use #perform:.  You use #perform: when
> you want to construct the message name and sent the constructed message
> name to an object.
> In your case you know the message you want to send, it is #cellLock:.  What
> you don't know (or have easily available) is the object you want to send
> the message to.
> What I think you need to do is save your cell objects in an array or
> collection (I will let you look up collections, but ask again if you need
> help).  With something like:
> cellObjects := OrderedCollection new.
> cellObjects add: YourCellClass new.
> Once you have a collection of your cells, you can access one or more of
> them and sent the #cellLock: message to it like so:
> (cellObjects at: cellNumber) cellLock: aBoolean
> Good luck and keep posting if you need help.
> Lou
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2012 07:58:47 -0700 (PDT), OrgmiGeek
> <cool.origam...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've read the sparse documentation on 'dynamic message' calls and I've
>> experimented a lot and still cannot figure out how to do something that
>> should be simple:
>> I want to build a message like this:
>>                      cellObject cellLock: aBoolean
>> where cellObject is to look like: cell1, cell2, cell3 ..., or cell9
>> I can build up cellObject like this:
>>                       self perform: ('cell', cellNumber asString) asSymbol
>> but I can't figure out how to build the full message with the key selector
>> "cellLock:", and the value 'aBoolean'.
>> I've tried everything I can think of based on the terse documentation, and
>> anything I can find on the internet, which isn't much (including this
>> forum).
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks
>> -----
>> ---
>> Under the age of 15 so don't want to post my name :D
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Louis LaBrunda
> Keystone Software Corp.
> SkypeMe callto://PhotonDemon
> mailto:l...@keystone-software.com http://www.Keystone-Software.com

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