See the "Making Of". The second time it only took me 4 minutes :)

And please excuse my mumbling ...

- Bert -

On 2013-03-13, at 13:33, Marshall Hampton <> wrote:

> Thanks, that is helpful.  I'm still having some trouble getting used to the 
> environment but I think we can figure it out.  One thing I was wondering is 
> if an object, such as the triangle in your program, can create text and 
> display it.  Or perhaps some separate text object is needed?  
> Thanks again for the quick response.
> -Marshall
> On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 7:15 AM, Bert Freudenberg <> 
> wrote:
> On 2013-03-13, at 02:01, Marshall Hampton <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am new to Squeak and Smalltalk.  After reading a few tutorials I am very 
> > intrigued and impressed.  Brief background for me: I am a mathematician, I 
> > am fairly skilled in Python, and I have worked at to varying degrees with 
> > C, C++, Java, Pascal, Basic, Fortran,  Javascript, Ruby, R, and Mathematica.
> >
> > I am homeschooling my daughter, who is 9.  She is quite proficient at 
> > Scratch.  A week ago I decided to give her a very brief tour of other 
> > programming languages by having her write a "Hello Pythagoras" program in 
> > each language.  This program should print "Hello Pythagoras" somehow, and 
> > then ask the user for two inputs (call them A and B).  It should then print 
> > sqrt(a^2 + b^2).
> >
> > For her third language she chose Squeak, since she knew that Scratch was 
> > written in it.  I would like to have her write the "Hello Pythagoras" 
> > program using Morphic objects, in a visually appealing way.  So far I have 
> > had some trouble finding a tutorial that covers relevant information.  I am 
> > sure I can figure this out by poking around long enough but if anyone has a 
> > pointer to documentation that might help, or a similar example, that would 
> > be great and much appreciated.
> Here is how to do it in Etoys (using the Squeakland version from 
> ):
> Took maybe 10 minutes, and that's including the graphical display of the 
> triangle :)
> - Bert -
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