On Wed, 7 Aug 2013, psea wrote:

Ok, i've got it. So in ST it's just not allowed assign to a block argument
for some reason. Let's consider it a language feature. And it's ok,

It's a compiler bug. The compiler doesn't handle this case.
- TempVariableNode >> #analyseClosure: returns if the receiver is a block
argument without checking the preference.
- BlockNode >> #postNumberingProcessTempsWithin:rootNode: only checks the temporaries, but not the arguments of the receiver. - Even if the above two are fixed, the temp index is still out of bounds, because removing arguments is not supported (see #removeTempNode:ifAbsent: and its sender), so the original temp for the argument will be kept.

different language - different rules. Thanks for pointing me on that!
Now, I've turn off allowBlockArgumentAssignment property.

What's worried me is that in other languages I'm familiar with it's a normal
thing to assign to a function argument (Scheme, C, Python, JavaScript).

Storing into a block or method argument is considered bad practice. Support for it is/was planned to be removed. Even though it can yield somewhat better performance, it's something you'll rarely see in Smalltalk code.

answer to your questions:
Smalltalk vmVersion 'Squeak3.10.2 of 11 February 2010 [latest update:
SmalltalkImage current systemInformationString "ditto" 'Squeak4.3
latest update: #11860
Current Change Set: Unnamed1'
Windows XP.

PS But you should agree with me that

makeAcc := [ :acc |
       [:n | acc:=acc+n. acc]]

looks a little bit better and concise than

makeAcc := [ :acc |
       | total |
       [:n | total:=total+n. total]]

There's no need to explicitly return 'total' from the inner block, because the assignment yields the same value:

makeAcc := [ :acc |
        | total |
        total := acc.
        [ :n | total := total + n ] ]



And thanks for the links.

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