On 03.01.2014, at 02:36, David T. Lewis <le...@mail.msen.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 05:04:50PM -0800, David Holiday wrote:
>> Thank you everyone for your alacritous responses! 
>> I'm finding one of the challenges in learning Smalltalk is not the syntax of 
>> the code, nor the general paradigm by which the code is implemented, but 
>> understanding the tools well enough to make things happen. I'm an 
>> experienced programmer and I'm finding that I'm having to completely rethink 
>> the way I go about my work when diddling around with this language. That's 
>> not in and of itself a bad thing - just saying I'm thankful for this mailing 
>> list :-) 
> It does take a bit of getting used to, especially if you are an old
> goat like me. But it is worth the effort.
> Youthful and inexperienced people say that there is really not much
> effort involved in learning this stuff, but I'm not personally in a
> position to confirm or deny that claim.

Hah! You should hear students complain ;)

- Bert -

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