For now I implemented:

^notes sort:[:a :b | (a date = b date) and:[a temps > b temps]] .


^notes sort:[:a :b | a date = b date 
                ifTrue:[a temps > b temps] 
                ifFalse:[a date > b date]] . 

does exactly the same result.

But there is still notes in a same date that do not sort correctly, the 
begining is good and after 5 or so objects
I get some witch do not seem to be sorted.

BTW don't know the difference between sort:  and sorted: 
it seems as if the last one produce a new collection and the first one produce 
same collection but sorted.

Note: I use 24 hours instead of a.m. / p.m. is this may cause problems?

> Le 2015-02-04 à 12:00, Paul DeBruicker <> a écrit :
> a date = b date 
>   ifTrue:[a temps > b temps] 
>   ifFalse:[a date > b date]

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