I used Cuis at first to display hand written G-Codes in graphic form for a
printed circuit board.  I kept up with Cuis through a few versions and
found a couple of bugs for Juan.  Eventually Casey advised going to Squeak
so I did. Perhaps my requests were getting annoying.

I'm mostly interested in using a multi-core Squeak with GC control for my
robot.  Tim says a multi-core VM is coming for the new Pi.  He hasn't
answered on GC control.  With muliti-core a user need not see GC control
but the system should provide 100% GC free service even if behind the
scenes it momentarily toggles one GC off and lets the other complete.

With real time driving, which I hope my robot will do some day, getting rid
of all 100ms delays is vital.

On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 4:54 PM, Dan Norton <dnor...@mindspring.com> wrote:

>  On 5 Jul 2015 at 16:22, Kirk Fraser wrote:
>  >
> > We should ask why do people want to teach Python instead of
> > Smalltalk?  Why do people veer
> > away from Smalltalk with add-ons like Etoys, Scratch, and many other
> > paradigms like Patterns
> > and CRC cards, which aren't as good for commercial programming, thus
> > really aren't as good to
> > teach children?  What can be done to remodel Squeak to provide all
> > the features more
> > commercially popular languages have?
> >
> > Earlier a post saying a boss didn't want a GUI that a combination of
> > buttons would bring up all
> > sorts of things his employees shouldn't be playing with.  So put a
> > cleaner commercial GUI on the
> > list. Maybe the preferences switch could be in its own file or as
> > the first character in Sources to
> > reduce file count.  The Changes file shouldn't be needed in a
> > deployed application.  Is there any
> > way to cut the deployment image down to one file containing both the
> > Sources and VM like an
> > .exe in any other language?
> >
> > I've written on the need to fix Garbage Collection control so it can
> > be turned off like Python allows
> > to enable Squeak to be used for real time projects like self driving
> > cars, since a 100ms delay can
> > veer 8 feet off course, fully into a lane of oncoming traffic.
> >
> > Recently I learned from a UC Berkeley website it takes 100ms to
> > recognize the objects in a
> > picture too.  Does that mean the future will have a cloud in every
> > car and Squeak needing to
> > conduct image analysis in hundreds of cooperating cores to get safe
> > real time performance?
> >
> > The state of Squeak for all its benefits seems like a collection of
> > law statutes, a big set of text
> > contributed by years of legislation that nobody can remember all of
> > and some of which makes little
> > sense.  Maybe a major rewrite starting from zero would help?
> >
>  " like a collection of law statutes" is a good analogy. Cuis seems like
> a major rewrite of Squeak and is simpler, easier to understand. What do
> you think of Cuis?
>  > The GUI - while it has many nice features, it somehow seems to lack
> > the crisp precision, ease,
> > and speed of commercial software like Solidworks.  I like how
> > Squeak comes up and is ready to
> > go far quicker than say Amazon's Audible application but Squeak
> > graphics aren't so fast or easy
> > to program as Solidworks.
> >
> > Recently I saw a couple of short videos on two moderate size robots
> > where users extolled their
> > ease of programming.  Perhaps Smalltalk needs a new top level rule
> > based language to improve
> > programmer efficiency.  I'm working on this one.  And as my
> > prototype was so easy, it angers me
> > to think of all the time I spent being both ignorant and afraid
> > after seeing various compiler books
> > like the "Dragon Book" intentionally make compiler writing a
> > difficult graduate level course instead
> > of an easy advanced beginner level assignment.
> >
> > But one thing I have in common with my Raspberry Pi, when my
> > utilization is maxed for too long, I
> > overheat and shut down.  I can write simple stuff like this when
> > it's too hot to do real work.  But
> > even multiple cores get too hot when they are maxed out.  So a real
> > time computer needs heat
> > control or cooling overkill in case a vital complex situation clogs
> > the bandwidth.  Well, pray about
> > it.
>   - Dan
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